Thursday, November 10, 2011

Nearing Years End

All I can say is this has been a Hell of a year so far...and it has been a Year so far of Learning...2011

Starting with my being Dehydrated back in Jan. around the 28th. over in my other Blog (Musing, Daily or whenever) then...

My Diverticulitis on March 31st. in this Blog...

Then jumping to August 11th. with the Hematoma....(Musing...)

And subsequent Infection on August 29th. on to....(Musing...)

My Birthday September 28th. Taser Me Arrhythmia...(Musing...)

And so far on November 8th. Tachycardia...(Musing...)

All I can do is Pray that this is the End and they can Find out what my Problems are and Fix Them...

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Feeling Depressed Today

But it has been going on for the past 19 years on this date...It is the day my wife Died...As she whispered in my ear and her last Breath Puffed against my Cheek...I took my Glasses OFF and held the lens under her Noise...and I called for the Doctor and Closed Her Eyes...

                                                           I will NEVER FORGET...

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Monday, September 19, 2011

Buy American

"BUY AMERICAN" seems to be the New Chant now..."MADE IN AMERICA"...does not mean what it used too.
Too many Original American Companies are Owned or Controlled by out side Interests...

And with Today's Technology and Proprietary Information...It's very hard NOT to cross the Lines. Also let us not forget about OEM's (Other Equipment Manufacture) that may be installed or part of something 'Made in America'...That may or may not be a Major Part of the Product...

I am going to try and stay Non-Political in this...These are just my Memories and Thoughts Now...

A few, well maybe many...back in the late 80's and Early 90's I worked for a Very Large Company...Oh hell...I worked for "GE" a very low level Electronics Engineer...In the Housewares Audio Div. (Advanced Engineering)...Yes the Idea or Concept Guys...and at times Revers Engineering Others Products.

Anyway we would work on the Design of NEW Products...Building small sections of Circuits and getting them to work and do what we wanted it to do...
There are certain steps that we took from peg boarding wire-wrap the circuit to laying out and Taping a Prototype circuit board...
Various two too three man teams would be working on different sections of the Project...
As we were bringing parts of the circuits together we would be searching for parts that could combined into a Custom IC. or IC's...

These Designs would be taken to Hong Kong or Singapore to be Manufactured as Custom IC's for GE.

At that time in this Country we still had some Great Printed Circuited Houses and some Board stuffing Companies with good insertion equipment.

GE also had places around the country that could Assemble and Build these Products...I had a chance to visit some of these Plants...The people were Happy They had Good Jobs and were Making Good Money.

One of the Projects that I worked on was the "Toast-r-Oven" and various other Models (made in America) ...This whole line was sold to Black & Decker...

I will say No More...Except 'Buyer Check It Out'...If you want to 'Buy American'

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Monday, August 29, 2011

VAH Primary Care / This post is a Joke...

Just as I finished Writing and Getting Ready to POST...I get a Phone Call Canceling my Appointment w/Primary Care DOC.
Reschedule for 2 Sept. 11

If you don't know, A few times this year I have had some Internal Problems...and I go to the VAH here in Miami, Fl.

About 2 weeks ago I had a Problem....See my other Blog about it....

So Today I'll be heading over there...about noon time...

I don't know what they are going to do for Me...
But I Hope they can Relieve the Pain, the Swelling...
And figure out what the Problem is...

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Faith in Humanity

Well I had my Faith in the Human Race Restored Today....There are some Good/Nice People out there...

I went Food Shopping Today and there were No Handicap Parking Spaces...Near the Store...

When I came out after Shopping...It was Raining....And I wanted to sit down and Rest for a few Minutes...As I am Resting here comes a Well Dressed Lady about mid-40's and an Older Woman Employee of Publix...Pushing the Younger Woman's Cart...The younger woman rushes ahead and gets a Large Golf Umbrella out of Her Illegally Parked Cadillac SUV in the Handicap Parking Spot...TO keep Herself and her Groceries DRY...

After the Stuff was put in the Car...the Elderly Woman Employee asked the Well Dressed Lady if she could use the Umbrella for a Minute...

The Employee came over to me and Said Mr. Glenn LET ME Walk you to your car with the Umbrella...And she Did...The Well Dressed Young Woman just stood there with Her Mouth OPEN...LOL...

There is HOPE for MAN/WOMAN Kind...

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Summer Boredom

Here in the Land of Lost Minds...namely S.Florida...It's been to HOT n HUMID the past few weeks...
The only time to be outside is in the morning when it's only about 80 deg.s F/80-85% HUMIDITY @ 8AM till about 10AM...Then It's stay in the AC...It starts to Cloud Up about 2PM with Showers or Down Pours.
It will GO on like this for a Few more Weeks...

Sometimes it just feels like your walking around HERE like this...

And you start thinking that it might be time for a long Cruise...

But then you Remember where You are....
At one time S.Florida was under Water...

I do miss the Change of the Seasons up North...I don't miss the Snow that much or the Spring....
But give Fall in New England all year long and I'll be Happy...

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Getting Old

I don't know if It's getting Old or just Feeling Old...But Today is my Oldest Son's Birthday...He was borne 43 years Ago...

I started Thinking about the Day leading up the Day he was Born...

I was in the US.Navy going to School @ Bainbridge, Md. and I had Hitchhiked Home on a Friday after School. It was about a 200 Mile one way trip...or about 4 to 6 hrs. Depending...

I don't remember much about that evening...I do remember that we (my wife his Mother) lived in a Small Apt. 3rd. Floor a few blocks from the Hospital...I remember his Mother waking me in the middle of the night n I called the Her Doctor...and he asked how far apart her contractions were...when I told him..he asked why we were still at Home(LOL)...He was an ex-Navy Doctor and he told that I had to be there for the laying of the Keel but I did not have to be there for the Launching...But I was and Glad to be there...

Well this Old Sailor

Will be Shipping Out on his Final Voyage....Soon; Very Soon!

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

WEINER TO RESIGN big Deal...Now back to what is IMPORTANT....

The Economy, The Border Mess and Bring Our Troops Home...

Listening to the News today about New Homes Built is UP...and Foreclosures are Down...But no one is Buying, the Banks own all the paper on the Foreclosures and the Loans for the New Home Building. Is there another Bank Bailout in the Future...?

Then we have Fl. Representative Debbie Wasserman-Schultz the Democratic National Committee Chairperson...

We've turned this economy around....Another Ding-Bat....Clueless.

The Democrats want us to Follow the 'Obama Buget Plan'....

I have the Feeling and HOPE that this will be a ONE term Presidency...

Now back to the Border Issue...It seem that even in between the 'WEINER' story's there are Still problems with Illegal entry across our Southern Border with Mexico and with the 'ATF' and other Fed agencies  about the Selling of Guns to the Drug Cartels down there....Also with Illegals trying to Enter the Country here in Florida...We capture some and some get through...But we seem to be making some headway with ID cards to some States.

Bring Our Troops Home...This is one of those Issues that one can Argue forever...It also goes hand in hand with the Economy...bringing the Troops Home to What...? There are NOT enough Jobs to Go Around Now...

The military of the United States is deployed in more than 150 countries around the world...more than 369,000 of its 1,580,255(?stats from DOD 12/2010?)active-duty personnel serving outside the United States and its territories.
Most of these overseas personnel are deployed in combat zones in the Middle east, the remainder are located at installations activated during the Cold War and Others are deployed as part of several peacekeeping missions.

I am all for having the STRONGEST Military in the World with the most Up-To Date Equipment...And Helping our Allies...But I do not Believe that we should be the Worlds Policeman...

So that is My Rant for Today...

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Oh My..Oh My...E-Book Reader

Where have you been all my life...I have always..well since the 7th Grade been an Avid Reader...At times when I was younger I would be Reading 2 or 3 books at the same time...Is it my Thirst for Knowledge or just a form of all probability both...but I found that I could Read on Many Subjects...I stayed mostly with 'Historical Fiction' some 'Science Fiction'...I enjoyed almost all the Classics. In School I had No problem doing so called 'Book Reports'...most of the time I would ask/tell the Teacher what I was Reading at the time...and do a 'Report' on that if they had read it...Then as I got Older out of School my Reading became Broader...Then came Computers and I kind of put my books to the side...And lost myself in Reading on Subjects that are of Interest to me...

Well I found that I could Read some of the Classics on Line for Free...
"Moby Dick"

Then I started too Look at 'E-Readers and what they Offered...
Being of fixed means I could not Afford an Expensive Device...
In searching the Different Offerings....

I Decided on the KOBO E-READER
It had a Price that was in the Range that I could Afford
They offered 100 books for FREE most of the Classics and a Good Price Range for other Books...

The First Book that I wanted to read was "BEOWULF"
The Reason for this was to see if I could get back too a Tough Read...also to see how the Hand held screen compared to Reading It on the Computer Monitor...

So I can Read at my Leisure on the Computer and if I am Traveling or just going down to the Pool...
I can take my Reading with me...

I have just Finished Reading an 'Old Friend Classic'..."The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"..
And now I am Reading "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

As I mentioned before that 'my Reading became Broader' in the Navy I Discovered


NOT PORN.... but Classic Erotica

There are books out there that could be called just plane F**K BOOKS...

But there are some that the Prose and Poetry of Elizabethan England and France...
are but some of the Classic Erotica that is Available...One that I found, I first Read in 1966..
I am also Reading it Again...

"The Autobiography of a Flea"  Let you mind Wonder on this One...LOL

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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Time is Just Sliding By...

As Happens too all of us....Time just keep Sliding By...There is Nothing we can do to avoid IT...

And so we go through our Lives, Thinking we can Control and Juggle Time...

We have Standard Time, Daylight Savings Time and Zulu Time...Plus all the Time Zones Lines that cut not just Nations.. but often streets.

Who the Hell Invented IT...and Why do we NEED IT...

Even ole Albert Einstein thought Time was Relativity....Relieving...

Because in the END all We have IS....

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Friday, April 15, 2011


Interesting Word...Used as a Verb: to announce or praise in some public medium of communication in order to induce people to buy or use give information to the public about; announce publicly in a newspaper, on radio or television, etc.



But also by "Leaking Information" on Someone or Something...

Back in the Days of yore, I thought of going into Advertising, I took a few Classes at a Local College Night School...
Received just enough Knowledge too be Dangerous...

I have come to understand that if you come up with a Great Idea...You will need a little Advertising in the beginning...then if your Idea, Product or Person is Good it will get Word of Mouth Advertising. This is the Best form of Advertising...
With all of the Media Hype using the TV and Inter-Net...the Act of Advertising is almost Instantaneous...

Some Advertisers try and Brow Beat you with repetitious Sayings or Slogans and Loud and sometimes Obnoxious Sales People...

These Ads and People are Easily recognizable...
Some of us here in America remember the 1980's with
'Crazy Eddie'

Some where along the line we Started seeing 'Infomercials' in the late 90's and after the turn of the Century...

Where they tell you all this Information and background...before Pitching the Product, Idea or Person...
Most of them are on Late at Night or Early Morning and may last from a Half an Hour to 58 minutes...

There are some good ones and Funny ones...

These are few and far between...most just make you want to Smash something into you TV...
Just had too mention the Sham Wow one that made you want to do something unnatural to your TV...

Now we come Down to the 'Synonym': But also by "Leaking" Information on Someone or Something...

This has become a Political Form of Advertising...and It all comes out as NEWS...There are your Normal Forms of Political Advertising...with the Appropriate "I approve of this Message"  that Politicians and Political Groups have to Pay for...LOL...

But most of the News (Advertising) comes about from Trusted Sources or undisclosed sources...
or people Close too...This where what I like to call the Smoke and Mirrors Ad's...That Lead you in One Direction Looking at what they(Spin Doctors) (who ever is leading the Deception)want you to look At...Wile there is something else is going on...

They lead you on with half Truths and disinformation...and wile you are digging for the Truth, They have Accomplished what they Wanted Originally...

It seems that the 'Spin Doctors' are the only Winners in this Game of News Broadcasting (Advertising)...They all seem to say that THEIR Message is the Only Truth....

                                            The ONE who Loose is yours Truly...

Most people Want too Hear what their Politicians can do for them TODAY, this Week...
Not 5 or 10 years down the road...

OK that's the END of my Rant for the Weekend...(so far) 

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

2012 Budget

OK, Kiddies explain this one to me...I am listening to a TV Host, he just had this bobble head Congress Woman on...and she said that if we get out of all wars right now and bring our troops home we will be cutting the Budget...(OK I will buy that) but in the same breath says that will create more Jobs...(?)
Now are you with me on this, if we were to bring all out Troops home the Branches of the Services will have to down size. Some of these troops will return to their Civilian Jobs that they left when units were called up...The workers that filled those jobs will be let unemployment... Some of the servicemen and woman will go straight to unemployment having entered the service right out of school and there are NOT that many jobs out there anyway...
There are many Companies that are involved in WAR related Military projects...These companies will have to cut back...loss of JOBS....
                       WHERE IS THE LOGIC IN THIS

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Diverticulitis or Severe Lower Stomach Pain

One of the joys of Life after turning 50, is Diverticulitis...on Thursday night the 31 March. I started having Pain in the early afternoon not bad but uncomfortable...It steadily got worse...I thought it was something I ate..It was, but not what what I was Thinking...By 10:30 that Night I was bent over in Pain...Hip to Hip with a Stabbing Pain on the Left Side...Some of you may know and some may Not...Diverticulitis occurs mostly in the Colon/Bowel or Large/Lower Intestine...

It usually shows up as a little pouch in the wall of the Intestine...

I have tried to show appx. where mine was located above...

It can be just a little pouch and they can Treat it with Drugs for Infection...
If it gets larger or perforates they will have to Operate...

So I was Very Lucky, Thank you GOD...

It can be caused buy many things...I don't eat a lot of Nuts but I do Eat a lot of  foods that have Seeds...
I do eat Fruit but I guess not Enough, Veggies poo Bushes (I guess I'll have too changes my Mind on this one)

This is where I Stayed for Three Days the First Two Living on Ice Chips and IV's

On Saturday Night They Started me on a Bland Diet..
and sent me home on Sunday Afternoon...

And a Sh*t load of Drugs for Infections...
No Pain Pills
In Fact the Pain is almost gone...

That's my Story n I'm Sticking too It...

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Brazil Exploring the Gulf of Mexico

If some of you have been Wondering  about this So am I...So I did a little Research on the Subject...

It seems that Brazil has it's own Oil Reserves and can Drill for Oil on their own Land...or off their own Shore...

If we look a little Closer...


To do Exploratory Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico...

What Really makes me Mad is WHO Gave him Permission too do this...

He will NOT let American Companies do  Exploratory Drilling ....

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

OIL..Liquid Gold...

First off I am No Expert on the Subject...But I do have a Few Thoughts about It...

For Four years I lived and Worked on a US. Navy Oil Tankers...So at least I can say I have some Knowledge about it...Uss. Truckee...

Even though I dd not work Directly with the Oil...It Permeated your Day to Day Life...

Some people only think about Oil when they see the Price of their Gasoline going up...

Right now in my area we are spending a little over $3.50 + a Gallon...
I know that some places are More and some are Less...
Compared to the Rest of the World the US is not doing too Bad...
I think we should look at how we go about getting this Black Gold....

                                    This is still the way that most Drilling is Done

       And this is just another way of getting too the Oil...Just a little harder too Locate...

             OK so now we have Crude Oil...Nasty Dirty Stuff...LOL....
What do we do with it...Well it has too be Refined (Cooked) Slow as the Oil is Heated it Starts to break apart....

As it is Cooking It also gives off a Smell that a lot of People find Offencive....
That's why a lot of people don't want the Refineries near them...

But you want too Drive your SUV's...But not have a Refinery in your back yard....
Your going to Pay more...

We are all worried about the Cost per Barrel of Oil...
What you see in the NEWS (?) is the Future Cost in April sometime...
Oil is a Commodity and is Sold at Future Prices....(If I have this wrong someone correct me)
And with Areas of the World in Turmoil and Oil Futures in Question...

A lot of Americans are Wondering about..."Will I be Able too Drive My Car"
Do we have enough Oil in the World..."Drill Baby Drill" and my all time Favorite "Let's go take theirs"

Sometimes I have to Wonder about my Fellow Americans...

So back to Gasoline...We do have Refineries and we do break down Oil...
First it is a Myth that we can not Open or Build New Refineries...
We do have New Ones and Ones that are being up-graded...
The US Gasoline Companies like too Buy Petroleum Products over Seas where it is cheaper than Producing here in America...This seems too be where the Real Problem Is...

And it is NOT that the World Oil Supply is Running Out...
It is...And we should be Looking for Alternative Fuel Sources...

But First lets Look at World Supplies...

So it looks like the World Supply and Production is diong well...

And the United States has a Few Barrels under Ground and Off-Shore...

So My Basic Thoughts are not about World Oil Prices...But the Oil Companies and Consortiums
that Buy Cheap Petroleum Products Over Seas and continue to Rip US the Consumer Off...

Oh and one more thing most of the Oil that comes out of the Ground or Off Shore of the US...Goes into the World Oil Market Pool...Very little Stays here in the US...

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

17 Years ago Today

On 6 February 1994, was my First Full Day of Sobriety, the past few days I had been to meetings.. then I took a suggestion of picking a day 'NOT too Drink'...So I chose this Day which is also my youngest sons Birthday.

So it comes down to "Just NOT too Drink Today" and that's all I have...just Today...

Over the last 17 Years a lot has happened in my life...And I was able to live life on Life's terms...Good, Bad n Indifferent...But through Sober Eyes...People, Places n Things have come and Gone...But I am still here...Sober just for Today...

How I process and react to situations, has changed....It is no longer about me (well maybe a little, back EGO) I have found that I am more accommodating of people...I still get crazy over some Political BS...
But when I do this, I can now Walk away...and look for a Picture of the Total...not just my simple vision...

So given that I still walk this Big Blue Marble, when by all Rights I should be Dead...I Believe GOD has a Job for me to do and I'm NOT done Yet....

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

OK, I've got a Question

There are No Dumb Questions, Sometimes it hard for people to understand simple Logical Thought Process..
Their are people that look no further than their own comfort Zone...

What I want to know is "What ever happended to the Individualist that Founded this Country ?"

They did come together, putting aside SOME or ALL  personal Feelings for the Common Good...
And joined in forming this Country....Declaring Independence from Tierney...Wrote a Constitution and Bill of Rights...

But Each man was an Individualist, that when all was said and done.. Could stand Alone and be able to say "I did the Best I Could" and "I Voted What I thought was Best for the Country and the People"

But even as this country was in it's infancy the Political parties were forming, hold overs from Mother England...
But there were sill Individuals out there...That Owed No Allegiance to any party...These are the people that made this Country Strong...

At one time they out numbered the Party People...Now Alas there are only a Few...

A lot of this conversion goes back to before the Civil War...But it seems that as the New Immigrants were coming into this Country there were a lot of Crooked Politicians that Purchased Votes....

And the Unions were Forming and as they Became Stronger They Became Political...Don't get me Wrong unions did a Lot of Good for this Country....They Righted a Lot of Wrongs...But I believe they became to Large and Powerful (but that is another rant) So now we have Political Party's, Unions and some Special Interest Groups...

Ah I said, "Special Interest Groups..."(this is also another rant) Bring in 'The Lobbyist' this is a Special type of Person, they do it for/with the "MONEY" most are ex-government workers that retire then get Payed Large amounts of Money to Sway the  Politicians Vote...By the "Special Interest Groups" I mean the Oil Companies, Farmers and Big Business...Foreign Countries...You name it there is probably a 'Special Interest Group'...

So Now...Back...Too...

Where Are They....?

I had too ask, they Answered "WE are the Tea Party" and then "WE are the Coffee Party...

I am Sick and tired of "PARTIES" and Groups...
Now some of these Fools are Asking Me to Sign a Pledge....


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And I have Sworn an Oath to Protect and Defend the Constitution of said United States...

What do You People Not Understand....

I am an American Individual, I may be the Last of a Dieing Breed...

I Vote for who I want, that at the time I think will do the Best for this Country...

I may be Right...I may be Wrong...
There is only one Who Stands in Judgment Me...

So if You do not Like the Way I Think...
Just Remember I have Defended your Right to Do So...

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Blood Pressure is UP

I don't like getting upset but with what is going on in America..In the State of Arizona...
The Shooting of Innocent people and Children..rips my Heart apart....

The shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords(D-AZ) in Arizona is Bad enough and the Judge...
But the Little Girl....By a Nut Case...Who from what I have seen and Read about him...the Facts that are being Reported by Reliable News Sources...And backed up by other news sources...not just wild conjecture and wishful thinking....

It seems that we have in this country a group of so called News Reporters (Talking Heads) that have their own Agenda and certain News Groups with Political Leanings...

As news was coming out of Arizona about the alleged shooter...Jared Loughner last night some of these news groups and talking heads were saying that he was an Ex- Army who was the Afghanistan/Iraq and crazy... Well they did have the Crazy part down...but everything else was false...

I did get to see his MySpace profile before it was taken down...And there was no real political statment as too any affiliation Democrat or Republican....As far as I can tell there was no Facebook Profile and no one has mentioned any....

I did get to see 5 of his Videos on YouTube... and they are Off the Wall....I am not a Professional but that Boy has some Problems...

But enough about him, we will find out more in the Day's ahead....

My Problem is these Talking Heads and the Liberal News Groups that try a Politicize this Tragedy...

Saying that someone is Targeting people in the other party....This is what STARTS wars...
Oh look at the maps they say...I Have looked at them and I am a Target Shooter and I see Nothing that makes me think of Bullseye...I am an Engineer and I see Bench Marks used for Centering...

There seems to be a problem with people that do not Know Symbol's but try their Knowledge of Rifle Scopes to Impress others...Except people that do Know what they see when sighting thru a Scope...

But I know all these Smart News Commentators would Check their Facts...

But what It all Boils down to is that a Troubled Young Man was able to get a Gun and DESTROY Lives..
I am not Against Guns but do Believe there should be better Control.

It seems that this young man had meet the Congresswoman or had something to do with Her Before...
It also has come out that he was ANTI-Government, had some problems with Religions and other
Anti- Social behavior.

None of His Writing or Posts on YouTube had any Political Rhetoric. Just Ramblings of a off the line young man...

We should All be Praying for the Little Girl and Her Family...

And the other people who lost their lives and their Families...

Also all that Survived will have a Full and Speedy Recovery...

In the Words of Joe Friday on "Dragnet"

"Just the Facts ma'm, Just the Facts"

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