Thursday, July 21, 2011

Summer Boredom

Here in the Land of Lost Minds...namely S.Florida...It's been to HOT n HUMID the past few weeks...
The only time to be outside is in the morning when it's only about 80 deg.s F/80-85% HUMIDITY @ 8AM till about 10AM...Then It's stay in the AC...It starts to Cloud Up about 2PM with Showers or Down Pours.
It will GO on like this for a Few more Weeks...

Sometimes it just feels like your walking around HERE like this...

And you start thinking that it might be time for a long Cruise...

But then you Remember where You are....
At one time S.Florida was under Water...

I do miss the Change of the Seasons up North...I don't miss the Snow that much or the Spring....
But give Fall in New England all year long and I'll be Happy...

If you have Enjoyed or have any words of encouragement.. Please leave a comment...Just to Help my Alter Ego...He/We feel alone sometimes...