Friday, April 15, 2011


Interesting Word...Used as a Verb: to announce or praise in some public medium of communication in order to induce people to buy or use give information to the public about; announce publicly in a newspaper, on radio or television, etc.



But also by "Leaking Information" on Someone or Something...

Back in the Days of yore, I thought of going into Advertising, I took a few Classes at a Local College Night School...
Received just enough Knowledge too be Dangerous...

I have come to understand that if you come up with a Great Idea...You will need a little Advertising in the beginning...then if your Idea, Product or Person is Good it will get Word of Mouth Advertising. This is the Best form of Advertising...
With all of the Media Hype using the TV and Inter-Net...the Act of Advertising is almost Instantaneous...

Some Advertisers try and Brow Beat you with repetitious Sayings or Slogans and Loud and sometimes Obnoxious Sales People...

These Ads and People are Easily recognizable...
Some of us here in America remember the 1980's with
'Crazy Eddie'

Some where along the line we Started seeing 'Infomercials' in the late 90's and after the turn of the Century...

Where they tell you all this Information and background...before Pitching the Product, Idea or Person...
Most of them are on Late at Night or Early Morning and may last from a Half an Hour to 58 minutes...

There are some good ones and Funny ones...

These are few and far between...most just make you want to Smash something into you TV...
Just had too mention the Sham Wow one that made you want to do something unnatural to your TV...

Now we come Down to the 'Synonym': But also by "Leaking" Information on Someone or Something...

This has become a Political Form of Advertising...and It all comes out as NEWS...There are your Normal Forms of Political Advertising...with the Appropriate "I approve of this Message"  that Politicians and Political Groups have to Pay for...LOL...

But most of the News (Advertising) comes about from Trusted Sources or undisclosed sources...
or people Close too...This where what I like to call the Smoke and Mirrors Ad's...That Lead you in One Direction Looking at what they(Spin Doctors) (who ever is leading the Deception)want you to look At...Wile there is something else is going on...

They lead you on with half Truths and disinformation...and wile you are digging for the Truth, They have Accomplished what they Wanted Originally...

It seems that the 'Spin Doctors' are the only Winners in this Game of News Broadcasting (Advertising)...They all seem to say that THEIR Message is the Only Truth....

                                            The ONE who Loose is yours Truly...

Most people Want too Hear what their Politicians can do for them TODAY, this Week...
Not 5 or 10 years down the road...

OK that's the END of my Rant for the Weekend...(so far) 

If you have Enjoyed or have any words of encouragement.. Please leave a comment...Just to Help my Alter Ego...He/We feel alone sometimes...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

2012 Budget

OK, Kiddies explain this one to me...I am listening to a TV Host, he just had this bobble head Congress Woman on...and she said that if we get out of all wars right now and bring our troops home we will be cutting the Budget...(OK I will buy that) but in the same breath says that will create more Jobs...(?)
Now are you with me on this, if we were to bring all out Troops home the Branches of the Services will have to down size. Some of these troops will return to their Civilian Jobs that they left when units were called up...The workers that filled those jobs will be let unemployment... Some of the servicemen and woman will go straight to unemployment having entered the service right out of school and there are NOT that many jobs out there anyway...
There are many Companies that are involved in WAR related Military projects...These companies will have to cut back...loss of JOBS....
                       WHERE IS THE LOGIC IN THIS

If you have Enjoyed or have any words of encouragement.. Please leave a comment...Just to Help my Alter Ego...He/We feel alone sometimes...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Diverticulitis or Severe Lower Stomach Pain

One of the joys of Life after turning 50, is Diverticulitis...on Thursday night the 31 March. I started having Pain in the early afternoon not bad but uncomfortable...It steadily got worse...I thought it was something I ate..It was, but not what what I was Thinking...By 10:30 that Night I was bent over in Pain...Hip to Hip with a Stabbing Pain on the Left Side...Some of you may know and some may Not...Diverticulitis occurs mostly in the Colon/Bowel or Large/Lower Intestine...

It usually shows up as a little pouch in the wall of the Intestine...

I have tried to show appx. where mine was located above...

It can be just a little pouch and they can Treat it with Drugs for Infection...
If it gets larger or perforates they will have to Operate...

So I was Very Lucky, Thank you GOD...

It can be caused buy many things...I don't eat a lot of Nuts but I do Eat a lot of  foods that have Seeds...
I do eat Fruit but I guess not Enough, Veggies poo Bushes (I guess I'll have too changes my Mind on this one)

This is where I Stayed for Three Days the First Two Living on Ice Chips and IV's

On Saturday Night They Started me on a Bland Diet..
and sent me home on Sunday Afternoon...

And a Sh*t load of Drugs for Infections...
No Pain Pills
In Fact the Pain is almost gone...

That's my Story n I'm Sticking too It...

If you have Enjoyed or have any words of encouragement.. Please leave a comment...Just to Help my Alter Ego...He/We feel alone sometimes...