Sunday, January 16, 2011

OK, I've got a Question

There are No Dumb Questions, Sometimes it hard for people to understand simple Logical Thought Process..
Their are people that look no further than their own comfort Zone...

What I want to know is "What ever happended to the Individualist that Founded this Country ?"

They did come together, putting aside SOME or ALL  personal Feelings for the Common Good...
And joined in forming this Country....Declaring Independence from Tierney...Wrote a Constitution and Bill of Rights...

But Each man was an Individualist, that when all was said and done.. Could stand Alone and be able to say "I did the Best I Could" and "I Voted What I thought was Best for the Country and the People"

But even as this country was in it's infancy the Political parties were forming, hold overs from Mother England...
But there were sill Individuals out there...That Owed No Allegiance to any party...These are the people that made this Country Strong...

At one time they out numbered the Party People...Now Alas there are only a Few...

A lot of this conversion goes back to before the Civil War...But it seems that as the New Immigrants were coming into this Country there were a lot of Crooked Politicians that Purchased Votes....

And the Unions were Forming and as they Became Stronger They Became Political...Don't get me Wrong unions did a Lot of Good for this Country....They Righted a Lot of Wrongs...But I believe they became to Large and Powerful (but that is another rant) So now we have Political Party's, Unions and some Special Interest Groups...

Ah I said, "Special Interest Groups..."(this is also another rant) Bring in 'The Lobbyist' this is a Special type of Person, they do it for/with the "MONEY" most are ex-government workers that retire then get Payed Large amounts of Money to Sway the  Politicians Vote...By the "Special Interest Groups" I mean the Oil Companies, Farmers and Big Business...Foreign Countries...You name it there is probably a 'Special Interest Group'...

So Now...Back...Too...

Where Are They....?

I had too ask, they Answered "WE are the Tea Party" and then "WE are the Coffee Party...

I am Sick and tired of "PARTIES" and Groups...
Now some of these Fools are Asking Me to Sign a Pledge....


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And I have Sworn an Oath to Protect and Defend the Constitution of said United States...

What do You People Not Understand....

I am an American Individual, I may be the Last of a Dieing Breed...

I Vote for who I want, that at the time I think will do the Best for this Country...

I may be Right...I may be Wrong...
There is only one Who Stands in Judgment Me...

So if You do not Like the Way I Think...
Just Remember I have Defended your Right to Do So...

If you have Enjoyed or have any words of encouragement.. Please leave a comment...Just to Help my Alter Ego...He/We feel alone sometimes...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI Glenn-
Thanks for continuing to remind people about the unique history of this country.
Thanks for continuing to express your observations on how things are going so far astray - far from what our founding fathers had in mind.

I still hold out the hope that God is in control. Of course there is the fact that if we go down the wrong path for too long, God can give us over to Satan = like maybe the Babylonians.......or other historical cities / states that got too big for their britches and forgot who Blessed them in the first place!
keep up the good reminders. Bless you!!! joan