Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Getting Old

I don't know if It's getting Old or just Feeling Old...But Today is my Oldest Son's Birthday...He was borne 43 years Ago...

I started Thinking about the Day leading up the Day he was Born...

I was in the US.Navy going to School @ Bainbridge, Md. and I had Hitchhiked Home on a Friday after School. It was about a 200 Mile one way trip...or about 4 to 6 hrs. Depending...

I don't remember much about that evening...I do remember that we (my wife his Mother) lived in a Small Apt. 3rd. Floor a few blocks from the Hospital...I remember his Mother waking me in the middle of the night n I called the Her Doctor...and he asked how far apart her contractions were...when I told him..he asked why we were still at Home(LOL)...He was an ex-Navy Doctor and he told that I had to be there for the laying of the Keel but I did not have to be there for the Launching...But I was and Glad to be there...

Well this Old Sailor

Will be Shipping Out on his Final Voyage....Soon; Very Soon!

If you have Enjoyed or have any words of encouragement.. Please leave a comment...Just to Help my Alter Ego...He/We feel alone sometimes...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

WEINER TO RESIGN big Deal...Now back to what is IMPORTANT....

The Economy, The Border Mess and Bring Our Troops Home...

Listening to the News today about New Homes Built is UP...and Foreclosures are Down...But no one is Buying, the Banks own all the paper on the Foreclosures and the Loans for the New Home Building. Is there another Bank Bailout in the Future...?

Then we have Fl. Representative Debbie Wasserman-Schultz the Democratic National Committee Chairperson...

We've turned this economy around....Another Ding-Bat....Clueless.

The Democrats want us to Follow the 'Obama Buget Plan'....

I have the Feeling and HOPE that this will be a ONE term Presidency...

Now back to the Border Issue...It seem that even in between the 'WEINER' story's there are Still problems with Illegal entry across our Southern Border with Mexico and with the 'ATF' and other Fed agencies  about the Selling of Guns to the Drug Cartels down there....Also with Illegals trying to Enter the Country here in Florida...We capture some and some get through...But we seem to be making some headway with ID cards to some States.

Bring Our Troops Home...This is one of those Issues that one can Argue forever...It also goes hand in hand with the Economy...bringing the Troops Home to What...? There are NOT enough Jobs to Go Around Now...

The military of the United States is deployed in more than 150 countries around the world...more than 369,000 of its 1,580,255(?stats from DOD 12/2010?)active-duty personnel serving outside the United States and its territories.
Most of these overseas personnel are deployed in combat zones in the Middle east, the remainder are located at installations activated during the Cold War and Others are deployed as part of several peacekeeping missions.

I am all for having the STRONGEST Military in the World with the most Up-To Date Equipment...And Helping our Allies...But I do not Believe that we should be the Worlds Policeman...

So that is My Rant for Today...

If you have Enjoyed or have any words of encouragement.. Please leave a comment...Just to Help my Alter Ego...He/We feel alone sometimes...